Myriad Gear Powers the Big Game

This year when you sit down to watch the Big Game, part of what you see, hear and read will be supported by technology provided by Myriad Supply. Many of the phones, ticket scanning devices, VOD equipment and computers that will make this event possible will get an internet connection from routing and switching technology that we packed with our own hands, here on 19th Street, just days before the game.

For all of the amazing engineering that goes into many of the products that we sell, this is when this gear gets really cool–when it is used to operate the event that we consider an American holiday. On a business level, this deal is a microhistory of Myriad Supply itself: readily available stock of critical network infrastructure equipment, high-level responsiveness and a reputation-based referral. And routing and switching equipment constitutes the lion’s share of Myriad’s business so this deal is especially representative of how we can help businesses score. With that, ask yourself: who doesn’t want to score?

WBL Services wanted to score. The large-scale venue networking wizards provide support for CenturyLink Field and Event Center in Seattle and many world-class sporting events both domestically and globally. To borrow a sports analogy (had to do it, sorry), Myriad stepped up in the fourth quarter to help them get that critical networking first down. And that’s a conversion that all major events need, if any kind of data is to be reliably transmitted so that the universe will not be turned upside down for 100 million plus viewers. Our gear has already been deployed in the media and contractor compounds around MetLife Stadium and the “Big Game” Boulevard from 34th Street to 42nd Street, along Broadway, in midtown Manhattan.

As Myriad grows, we pile up partnerships. Regardless of who comes out on top on Sunday, with this solution, we’ve already won.