Myriad Congratulates Employees Celebrating Anniversaries this Month

August Anniversaries

At Myriad, we believe that whether personal or professional, anniversaries are a special event in a person’s life. This month, we are celebrating the work anniversaries of three exceptional members of the Myriad team. Huge congratulations are due to: 

Sam Aronov

Celebrating: 2 years 

Sam also celebrated a promotion from Account Executive to Business Development Manager in July 2016. His favorite parts of working at Myriad are “transparency from leadership and collaboration amongst my peers.”

Sam’s best Myriad memory: “It happened during the winter party. My wife and I were playing an intense game of Jenga with a coworker and his significant other. About halfway into the game, I turned away for a moment and suddenly the tower had gotten knocked over. Andy had been walking away laughing and as he turned around to see the damage, my coworker turned around as well, indignant, ready to confront whoever knocked over our game. When he connected the dots, realized who he was just about to confront our CEO, his face was priceless.” 

Kevin Ford

Celebrating: 2 years 

Over the last few years, Kevin has added multiple certifications to his already impressive list of skills as an Account Executive, including ASE (Palo Alto), JNSA (Juniper) and CSE (Cisco). He credits his success to being “surrounded by great people who motivate me to do better every day!” 

Kevin’s best Myriad memory: “2015 Winter Party for sure!”  

Anthony Castigilione

Celebrating: 1 year 

This past February, Anthony was promoted from Business Development Representative to Account Executive, becoming Myriad’s first ever 100% vertical-focused Account Executive. Anthony attributes that professional jump to Myriad’s “excellent work culture and environment that promotes both personal and professional growth.” 

Anthony’s best Myriad memory: “Every work event that I’ve had the pleasure of attending has been amazing. Shout out to our Events team!”  

Thank you to Sam, Kevin, and Anthony for the dedication to professional growth, enthusiasm, and expertise you bring to Myriad. We look forward to seeing more of your accomplishments and where the next year takes you!