Myriad Congratulates Employees Celebrating Anniversaries this Month

October Anniversaries

At Myriad, we believe that whether personal or professional, anniversaries are a special event in a person’s life. This month, we are celebrating the work anniversaries of seven exceptional members of the Myriad team. Huge congratulations are due to:  

AnniversaryTemplate_Mario (002)Celebrating: 12 years 

A lot has changed for Mario since becoming Myriad’s very first engineer (lucky #7 employee) twelve years ago. Now he is leading and growing the Solutions Architect team, driving pre-sales engineering capabilities farther as Solutions Architect Manager. “I enjoy working with everybody on the pre-sales & post-sales side of the house. Everyone is compassionate, caring and understanding. We all try our best to get the job done right.” 

Best Myriad memory: “It’s been a great journey and rewarding experience to be part of the Myriad family since the beginning when it was just 7 of us –  a true startup! I remember wearing many hats, from testing Cisco 1700 routers and WIC-1DSU-T1’s (now vintage) to working in sales, returns, purchasing and shipping departments! I love being a part of a place where I’ve been able to witness both my career path and the company grow firsthand.” 

AnniversaryTemplate_StaceyCelebrating: 7 years 

Over her illustrious career, Stacey Solomon was promoted four times from Purchasing Assistant to her current role as Director of Purchasing, and it’s no secret that her passion for her job led to her success. “My favorite thing is the feeling that I have waking up and coming to work every day.  I really love my job and working here at Myriad.” 

Best Myriad memory: “The first holiday party. I recall us all piling into limos and heading to Wolfgang’s for dinner. It was my first time riding in a stretch limo so I was pretty excited.” 

AnniversaryTemplate_Will (002) Celebrating: 4 years 

William Sze believes the people and the culture are what make Myriad great. He was promoted to Staff Accountant two years ago and knows crunching numbers can be a tedious job, but “the people and culture at Myriad make going to work every morning much easier.”  

Best Myriad memory: “All of our parties!” 

AnniversaryTemplate_Erin (002)Celebrating: 4 years 

After joining the company as an Operations Assistant, it’s wasn’t long until her talent for hiring A-players shown through. Transitioning to her role as Hiring Coordinator 2 years ago, Erin’s favorite parts of her job are “the 1-1 coaching sessions, great coworkers, and ability to create my workflow.”  

Best Myriad memory: “Announcing the LGBTQ+ inclusive Employee Resource Group at a company-wide meeting.” 

AnniversaryTemplate_KarenCelebrating: 3 years 

As one of the warmest, friendliest Myriad team members, it was no surprise that when asked what her favorite thing about working about Myriad, Karen’s answer was simple: “The people.”  

Best Myriad memory: “When one of the members of our team experienced a fire at her apartment, I’ll never forget the way the office rallied together to support one of our own.” 

AnniversaryTemplate_AlbertLiCelebrating: 2 years 

As a Pricing Support Specialist, Albert notes that the encouragement he receives through the coaching sessions is one of the reasons he’s so great at helping our clients. “It’s amazing to know you have the support of those around you when you’re trying to achieve ever larger goals.” 

Best Myriad memory: “The first week when I started here. I remember clearly being welcomed by just about everyone I ran into that day. The environment was just so friendly that it’s stuck with me since then.” 

AnniversaryTemplate_ChelsCelebrating: 2 years
Chelsea joined Myriad as an intern and quickly became an Events and Community Coordinator soon after. She attributes her success to cross departmental support and collaboration. (“And the unlimited supply of peanut butter doesn’t hurt either!”) 

Best Myriad memory: “2017 Myriad Summer Party Pop-A-Shot Tournament, although losing in the first round to our VP of Sales who still reminds me to this day that he beat me by TWO POINTS. It was great to see fierce match-ups and an excited audience gather around for this event.” 

Thank you to Mario, Stacey, William, Erin, Karen, Albert and Chelsea for your dedication, drive, and geniality. We look forward to seeing more of your accomplishments in the future!