Protecting Your Business with a Managed Detection and Response (MDR) Solution

As technology advances, so does the threat landscape and the need for more robust cybersecurity mitigation and prevention solutions. According to Cisco’s Annual Cybersecurity Report, 44% of security managers report seeing more than 5000 security events per day, however only 19% of those alerts are deemed reliable, and only 4% are investigated, leaving your company at great risk for a cyber-attack.

What is MDR and how can it protect against cyber-attacks?

A Managed Detection and Response (MDR) solution and services to provide proactive threat detection and active response. This remotely delivered service organizations to rapidly detect, analyze, investigate, and actively respond through threat mitigation and containment.

 By continuously monitoring and identifying the security gaps it helps to close them before they get exposed which in turn will reduce the cyber risk and possible incidents. MDR also offers companies 24/7 visibility into its IT environment, helps to meet compliance requirements, provides better threat intelligence and threat hunting and offers a better ROI.

There are many navigating factors in choosing MDR. Clients often face staff shortages, employees with a lack of cybersecurity skills, or employees who find it difficult to manage an overwhelming number of alerts with the sheer sprawl of the numerous cybersecurity tools they are currently using.

Why work with Myriad360 to locate an MDR vendor?

Myriad360’s extensive cybersecurity experience and expertise, combined with our hands-on, comprehensive “360° View of You” discovery assessment, makes us a leader in assessing the strongest MDR vendor recommendations for our clients.

Myriad360 will assess your current cybersecurity situation and recommend the most optimal MDR solution for your organization. As a consultant AND a trusted advisor, Myriad360 has strict criteria for the cybersecurity vendors it recommends to clients. Vendors not only need to be able to meet the needs above but in addition, the vendor must offer integration with the existing technologies and investments made by the client as well as be able to co-manage the company’s Security Event and Incident Management (SIEM) environment whenever possible. Myriad360 also seeks vendors who are receptive to meeting specific custom requirements from the client and offer a roadmap for any new or improved solutions that may come up in the future.

Matching a client’s needs with the right solution and vendor is crucial to the process. Some of the questions Myriad360 discusses before matching a client with a vendor include:

  • How does your organization currently monitor for security threats, events, and vulnerabilities?
  • How do you manage your endpoint security technologies?
  • Do you have complete visibility into what’s happening at your endpoints?
  • How do you manage and remediate incidents at the endpoints?
  • How do you resolve alerts?
  • Are you using any specific log management or SIEM tool?
  • Do you have on-prem requirements or hybrid (on-prem and cloud)?

In understanding clients existing cybersecurity operations, Myriad360 can recommend the best vendor for that client to meet their pain points, dependencies, and impacts.

While there is no way to slow down the cybersecurity threats, there is a way to reduce the impact they can have on your business and Myriad360 can help.