Myriad Celebrates November Work Anniversaries

This year, we are thankful for the employees celebrating anniversaries this November and a collective 35 years of jobs well done! Gratitude and congratulations are due to: 

Jamie Waugh – 10 years  

There have been a lot of great moments and memories during his ten years at Myriad, and 2017 did not disappoint! Jamie has taken on his most exciting role yet after becoming a Project Manager this year. He enjoys the all-hands on deck mentality of fellow Myriad employees and that “any and all ideas are openly discussed and, if right, are implemented immediately so we are a more effective company.” 

Best Myriad memory: “Back when the company first started, if you wanted to work at Myriad you actually had to interview with the whole company! We all had to make sure you were a good fit. I think that was such a cool way of doing things and it translates to today’s Myriad.” 

Michael Sloan – 8 years 

Mike Sloan quickly made his mark at Myriad after starting as an Account Executive in 2009, earning a promotion to Sales Manager in 2011 and then to VP of Sales in 2012. His favorite part of working at Myriad is his smart and enthusiastic sales team. 

Best Myriad memory: “Breaking the $100M mark for the first time.”  

Vic Glazer – 5 years 

Since joining the company five years ago, Vic has been promoted to Senior Account Executive and holds a vast number of certifications with Cisco, Dell, HP, and Arista. His favorite thing about working at Myriad is “the people I work with and that we care about each other.” 

Best Myriad memory: “My birthday coincided with my first Myriad holiday party, and the entire company sang happy birthday to me. What a welcome!” 

James Godwin – 3 years 

Soon after joining Myriad 3 years ago, James was promoted from VP Sales Ops to VP Sales Operations and Marketing in 2015. In addition to this success, James was elected as both Marketing Committee Chair and to the Board of Directors for NYNOG 2017. He is a Certified SCRUM Master as of this year and is working on becoming a Certified SCRUM Professional in 2019. His favorite thing about working at Myriad is “all the people who challenge me to be and do better every day. And the random boxes of Dough donuts I pretend not to eat.” 

Best Myriad memory: “All the Myriad winter festivities – especially the group photos, winter party, double decker buses, ugly sweater contests, and gift exchange. Last year, our events team gave me the gift that literally keeps on giving: an ENTIRE CASE of Big Red gum. As a result, my office smells like cinnamon and (I’m pretty sure) comes in at least second place to the recruiting office for candy-jar-stop-in visits.” 

Nicole Fieger – 3 years 

Nicole quickly proved her design chops and was promoted to Creative Director a year after joining Myriad. In addition to bringing her creative skills to her job every day, Nicole’s favorite part of working at Myriad is “all my lovely coworkers.” 

Best Myriad memory: “When we sponsored a float for the NYC pride parade!” 

Danny Shum – 3 years 

This year, Danny has taken on a slightly different role from “Ecommerce Specialist” to “Pricing Support Specialist.” He credits “the full transparency of the company and also the willingness of everyone to lend a helping hand, usually met with a no-questions-asked mentality” to his success. 

Best Myriad memory: “During my first winter party, little over a month joining Myriad, a member of the sales team sang the Spanish version of Enrique Iglesias song ‘Hero.’  It was quite memorable.” 

India Stokes – 1 year 

When looking back at her first year at Myriad, India is most proud of taking on all purchasing responsibilities for one of our major accounts and also negotiating with vendors to receive free shipping. Her favorite part about working at Myriad? “Myriad is truly a company that values people and the talent they bring. I’ve never felt so comfortable in a work environment while also being positively challenged in my work.” 

Best Myriad memory: “Volunteering for ACE Day at the Manhattan Children’s Center. It was so much fun to interact with amazing children for the day.” 

Jose Estrella – 1 year 

Jose’s favorite thing about Myriad is “the culture of the company and the way we support each other the way family would. We all get along—this is the glue of the company and what sets us apart from all other IT companies out there.”  

Best Myriad memory:  “Our first company cook-off and how the idea stemmed from a simple joke and developed into this fun activity that allowed us as a company to interact in a unique way. The best part of it all was Myriad using the money collected from this activity to donate to those in need.”  

Chad Betts – 1 year 

During his first year at Myriad, Chad earned the VMware Certified Associate (VCA6) certification for data center virtualization, along with multiple accreditations for Dell/EMC, HPE, and VMware technical pre-sales knowledge.  

Best Myriad memory: “The Juniper ping-pong tournament my second day on the job.” 

Congratulations to Jamie, Michael, Vic, James, Nicole, Danny, India, Jose, and Chad! We hope your anniversaries are as amazing as your dedication, knowledge, and talent!