Myriad Celebrates December & January Work Anniversaries

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… for anniversaries! Big congrats are due to those celebrating in December and January: 

Guthrie Jones – 4 years 

Guthrie started as an Account Executive in 2014, was promoted to Senior Account Executive in 2015, and then promoted to Senior Professional Services Specialist in 2017. He attributes his success to “the diverse, enthusiastic, and intelligent people who work here.” 

Best Myriad memory: “The support from everyone at Myriad when I became a first-time dad.” 

Caleb Lunsford – 4 years 

Right around the time of his work anniversary two years ago, Caleb was promoted to Senior Account Executive (what a way to celebrate!). “I love the company culture here. Everyone that is here believes in our brand and what we are trying to accomplish. I also think we have some of the absolute best sales management in the business.” 

Best Myriad memory: “My favorite memory was my first winter party. Andy and Mark went the extra mile to let me sing my favorite Enrique Iglesias song, ‘Hero.’ Mark was running around getting the audio set up. I thought it was really cool of a CEO/CFO to set that up for a fairly new employee.”  

Kyle Fahey – 4 years 

Over the course of his career at Myriad, Kyle was promoted from Account Executive to Senior Account Executive and earned many certifications from Cisco, Arista, Palo, Dell Storage, F5, and Fortinet. He enjoys “being given a chance to be a part of something great, and seeing direct results of [his] efforts as Myriad’s growth continues.”  

Best Myriad memory: “Margaritas pre-summer party being served up by none other than the CEO himself! (If I remember correctly, with an old network switch as the serving tray!)” 

Derek Diaz – 4 years 

After starting as an IT dispatcher, Derek completed training to earn his PMP certification in 2015 and was promoted to project manager. “I love the freedom and trust. As long you’ve demonstrated being dependable and a hard worker, your daily tasks are up to you. No micromanaging.” 

Best Myriad memory: “I’d have to go with my first winter party in 2013. Everyone was super welcoming and we had a blast!” 

Amanda McCall – 2 years 

Amanda has certainly been busy during her time at Myriad. Last year, she earned a certification in Data Analytics for Business and has been involved in organizing office 5k teams for many charitable causes, including “Heroes and Villains” for Memorial Sloan Kettering, “Santa Hat Dash” for Covenant House, and “Tunnel 2 Towers” for The Stephen Siller Foundation. 

Best Myriad memory: “The many volunteer opportunities that have been facilitated by Myriad, especially with SAGE (Advocacy & Services for LGBT Elders).” 

Alex Ho – 1 year 

Alex is celebrating his first year at Myriad! So how did it go? “My favorite thing about working at Myriad is the people. Really fun bunch everyone is.” 

Best Myriad memory: “Winning the ping pong tournament with Nick W. The competition was epic!” 

Many thanks to Guthrie, Caleb, Kyle, Derek, Amanda, and Alex for their dedication, passion, and impressive business acumen. Happy anniversary!