Breaking news: Ruckus Will Be Joining The Cloud!

That’s right people, the Controller based wireless giant is working on a cloud offering similar to Aerohive, Aruba and Meraki.

For now, it is still too early to tell what we are exactly in for. Ruckus is keeping their cards close.  As a matter of fact, the whole Ruckus Cloud offering subject is very hush hush.   Just getting whispers on the subject wasn’t easy – we had to have our cousin Vinny pay a visit to Ruckus HQ with a baseball bat.

For plausible deniability, we cannot tell you what he did there. For now, we know that Ruckus will be making a public announcement of their Cloud Managed solution some time in April. We are not sure if the solution will be ready by then, or if that’s when it will be announced. What we do know, however, is that this will be a huge win for Ruckus.

Cloud managed solutions are somewhat new, and up until recently Aerohive and Meraki were the only two giants in the field. Since then, Aruba has introduced their Aruba Central Cloud management service. Meraki was purchased by Cisco in Q4 of 2012 – therefore Cisco has a cloud managed WiFi. And now, Ruckus is joining the pack!

What’s all the fuss about Cloud managed WiFi and why the move toward them, you might ask? Well, the short answer is: Cloud managed WiFi solutions offer the benefits of a physical controller, without the huge initial cost.
I will not be going over what those benefits are, as I have already done this in another blog, so if you would like to find out more on Cloud vs. Controller based WiFi solutions click here.

Ruckus Cloud Managed WiFi is huge news, and we will keep our ears open for any new information. Or maybe we will send cousin Vinny to visit Ruckus HQ again.


Peter Yordanov. Signing Out.