Myriad heads off to Dallas, TX in October 2012 for NANOG 56!

Coco wears our NANOG 56 T-Shirt

Along with our usual team of human beings, we are bringing along our office companion Coco (a Kerry Beagle for those curious) with us to the NANOG 56 (North American Network Operators’ Group) conference on October 21 through October 24. As per previous tradition, we are handing out NANOG themed T-Shirts to conference attendees. This year’s NANOG T-Shirt theme is the Texas Longhorn.

If you are attending the NANOG 56 Conference, please be sure to drop by our booth to grab a T-shirt. In addition, Myriad Supply will be sponsoring the Monday Morning Break, and there will be a raffle drawing later in the day for an iPad. Don’t miss out on these events!

For the rest of the NANOG 56 agenda, click here.