Myriad Supply greets Sandy

As many of you know, Sandy swept across the North East region of the United States from Sunday till Tuesday leaving millions without home, power, water, and other essential day to day necessities. Sandy did not make a direct impact through New York City, but its wide-stretched wind left a undeniable impact on the city’s infrastructure.

The MTA has shut-down now for two days in a row, the NYSE has also shut down its trading floor for the second day in a row, a first since the September 11th attack. We would like our customers to know that the entire Myriad Supply team is safe and sound. While some has lost power to their home, the rest of the team are continuing to support our customers through the havoc from remote locations. After the height of Sandy’s impact on Monday night, the Myriad Supply office has lost power, which may be caused by a transformer explosion at a ConEdision plant near 14th Street.

Currently, FedEx shipments are also delayed because of the storm, and we apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused. We are looking to restore to our normal operation capacity as soon as conditions allowed. Thank you, and we hope all our North East region customers are also safe and sound.