The new Juniper PTX3000

Juniper Networks has just released a new router, which we think Google could use a few of to continue rolling out their “Double play Internet and TV to the home” (

The PTX3000 router’s capacity is designed to rapidly scale over time up to 24 terabits per second (Tbps), making it possible for the PTX3000 to simultaneously stream high-definition video to as many as 3 million households. Furthermore, Juniper’s new PIC has two ports of line rate 100 Gigabit forwarding for the entire PTX family. The new PIC allows service providers to interconnect sites more than 1,243 miles apart, the distance between San Francisco and Denver. According to Michael Howard, principal analyst at Infonetics Research, “Traffic patterns in metro networks are rising at such a high rate that requirements in the IP metro core are similar to those of previous IP backbone core networks”.

Check out these links to learn more:

And to learn more about Juniper Routers, check them out here!