Month: July 2017

What I Do in IT Sales

“Sweetie, can you help me get my printer to work?” my mom called from the kitchen while I was visiting for Father’s Day last month. “Umm, I can try?” I stammered. These scenarios with family and friends have become commonplace since I began my IT career five years ago.  I’m sure other people can relate—when… Read more »

The API is the New CLI: Fact or Fiction?  

The API is the new CLI.  If you’re a network engineer who pays attention to new technology, you’ve certainly heard some variation of this statement. But is it true?  Let’s start with the basics.  You know what a Command Line Interface (CLI) is; it’s how you talk to your switches and routers, and possibly many other devices… Read more »

Demystifying the Cloud

It seems no matter where you turn, you can’t escape the buzzword of “the Cloud.” Whether it’s a place to put phone data, the newest version of software, or just the ever-present promise of “It’s better because it’s now in the Cloud!”, it seems like everyone is poised to take advantage of the progressive, somewhat… Read more »

Myriad Congratulates Employees Celebrating Anniversaries this Month

At Myriad, we believe that whether personal or professional, anniversaries are a special event in a person’s life. This month, we are celebrating the work anniversaries of five exceptional members of the Myriad team. Huge congratulations are due to: Celebrating: 10 years Anthony Cesari is celebrating TEN years at Myriad this month. Anthony has been promoted four… Read more »