Month: December 2019

5 Trends in Enterprise Mobile Security

Technology is crucial for enabling your organization’s business to happen in today’s world. But just as important is protecting your applications, data, network and mobile workers from potential security threats. Thus, below are five trends in enterprise mobile security and how to address them: 1) Employees Are Working Everywhere and on Multiple Mobile Devices Years… Read more »

Secure Mobile Workforce: Why Traditional Network Security Is Not Enough to Protect Mobile Workforces (And What to Do Instead)

Traditionally, organizations stored all their applications and data in a single, on-site data center. This allowed them to have complete visibility into and control over their network and who was accessing and using it, so it was fairly easy for them to ensure network security. However, now that most organizations have moved to the cloud… Read more »

What is Virtualization Technology?

Virtualization is the practice of creating a virtual version of a technology device or resource such as a computer, server, network, operating system, etc. A few examples of virtualization technology include: Server virtualization Network function virtualization Storage virtualization Desktop virtualization Containerization Data center virtualization The goal of virtualization is to help an organization improve its… Read more »