Category: Computers

Understanding Data Loss Prevention

I’ll assume that you’ve watched the Indiana Jones movie Raiders of the Lost Ark – if not, be warned, there are spoilers in the next sentence.  At the end of the movie, the Ark is reported to be in a place that is “very safe.”  To which Indy replies, “From whom?” Later, the scene cuts to… Read more »

Secure Email Gateways: Perimeter Security for the Mailbox

In the business world, 90 trillion emails are being sent each year. According to Kaspersky research, over 57% of those emails were classified as spam and malware. This makes email a very real threat vector that can infiltrate a user’s endpoint, branch offices, and even the data center. It’s important as ever to secure employee and user inboxes, and there have been continual advancements in security surrounding products that identify threats and… Read more »

Ransomware is A Real Threat

Within hours of the outbreak of WannaCry, it had infected more than 230,000 computers in over 150 countries. We’ve all heard stories describing the severe impacts organizations face after being targeted by ransomware. Ransomware is a big business for organized crime rings and, as some suspect, even state-sponsored agencies. According to industry experts, it’s estimated ransomware ransacked $1B in… Read more »

Intel Debuts New Scalable Processors

It’s about that time again when everyone is talking cores, threads, and gigahertz.  Intel is starting to roll out their newest line of Xeon processors, which are being referred to as “scalable processors” powered by the new Skylake-SP core. The existing architecture had limitations around the number of cores and threads that Intel has been trying… Read more »

How Do You Protect Your Business When the Threat Landscape Is Always Evolving?

Staying ahead of the curve when it comes to security attacks can be a challenge many find to be nearly impossible to achieve. But why is it so difficult? Every day, attacks targeting juggernauts of industry are featured in breaking news. An example is the recent “Wannacry” ransomware attack, which affected thousands of computers all… Read more »

Myriad & Girl Develop It March Campaign Kicks Off today!

Just a reminder that the March 2015 Myriad & Girl Develop It Campaign kicks off today! Join us on Twitter to help raise money for GDI and enter to win a Dell XPS 13 Ultrabook! Here’s how it’s going to work: We’ll post a question to Twitter each day starting today relating to women in tech… Read more »

BYOD: Is it Worth the Risk?

The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) phenomenon has become a highly debated topic in many organizations. While some enterprises are fully enveloped in the BYOD trend, others are hesitant to adopt this new strategy because of the numerous risks associated with it. Regardless, here is what you need to know to be BYOD-ready.

2038 – The End of Time (UNIX)

The set date for when time will end is January 19th, 2038 at precisely 03:14:07 UTC. It is not a hoax or made up aluminum-foil-hat-wearing-hippy stuff. This is real, and it will happen. Nothing we can do about it so you better start getting ready for it sooner than later.