Category: Network FAQ

Jibba Jabba or the Nines Nines Nines

You’ve probably heard “nines” thrown around when talking high availability, so let’s review them to make everyone talk the same talk or IT Jibba-Jabba.

Chopping your datacenter to size with new blades

Saar here, resident engineer at Myriad Supply. Today I’ll be discussing blade enclosures. Let’s start with what some of you may already know- A chassis. In the networking world, you have a switch with ports in the front:   A switch also has power supplies and fans.      

Laying the keel, a Layered Approach

Saar here, resident engineer at Myriad Supply. Today I’ll be discussing the OSI Model and the 7 layers. 1) Firewalls: a. Basic b. Next Generation c. Application Layer firewalls- Palo Alto/ Juniper d. Web application Firewalls- Mykonos now rebranded to webapp secure firewall Let’s review some basics about the OSI model and the 7 layers:

Copper Category Cabling Condensed

Saar here, resident engineer at Myriad Supply. Today I’ll be discussing Copper Cables. As you know when you yell something your voice travels over the air. So people close to you can hear it well, but as it moves outwards the strength decreases. That is called Signal Attenuation.

BPG Routing

Hello, Saar here, resident engineer at Myriad Supply. Today I’ll be talking about BGP Routing. BGP…you probably hear that word being thrown around. What is it and how can it help you? First, take a look at this cheat-sheet. The second item will give you a brief explanation on BGP and its uses. Cheat Sheet… Read more »