Security Products Sprawling Out of Control?  Consider a VISSA Workshop from Myriad360

VISSA: Vendor Inventory and Security Sprawl Analysis Workshop

Security vendor sprawl has become one of the most significant risks impacting organizations worldwide. Unfortunately, as businesses grow, so too do the number of tools used across your corporation – varying across regions, divisions, and employee tenures.  This lack of tool visibility tends to allow for security details to slip through the cracks. How does this happen? With too few efficient tools, companies may experience coverage gaps. However, too many tools can drive rampant inefficiency and high costs. 

 Myriad360’s VISSA Workshop, featuring a complimentary vendor tool assessment and consolidation plan, helps you save money, increase efficiency and stop security sprawl dead in its tracks. Let our engineering experts help your business with a 360° view of your security landscape, plus comprehensive recommendations custom-tailored to your organization’s unique requirements.  

Quick Facts: 

  • 80% of IT organizations plan to consolidate cybersecurity vendors over the next three years 
  • On average an organization has 46+ or more security tools
  • Vendor consolidation typically results in a 41% increase in improved organizational risk posture 

Who can benefit from VISSA? 

Myriad360’s complementary VISSA workshop is ideal for rapidly growing companies that lack the time or staff to evaluate vendor sprawl in-house. We have the in-house expertise and experience on many enterprise security vendors and their services offering and how it provides protection. Myriad360 also has the skills and expertise of many non-enterprise security vendors as well as early startups to provide in-depth analysis of their offerings. Budget-conscious leaders that are interested in streamlining their spend, as well as organizations ready to upgrade or re-evaluate their security operations, can greatly benefit from Myriad360 VISSA services. 

Why invest in a Myriad360 VISSA Workshop?  

As a complimentary service, Myriad360 delivers valuable advice and recommendations including: 

  • A comprehensive report showing overlaps and gaps in capabilities and/or vendor
  • Recommended consolidation plan 
  • Recommended vendors and coverage 
  • A multi-year roadmap and timeline of consolidation tactics

As a result, you’ll have nothing to lose and everything to gain: 

  • Optional training & support
  • Cybersecurity tools standardization 
  • Improved tools coverage and remediation efficiency
  • Simplified strategies, procedures, and practices 
  • Increased staff productivity

Using our proprietary 360° View of You discovery-centric methodology and reference model Myriad360 will conduct interactive deep-dive sessions with your team. Together, let’s set your business up for success. 

 Ready to get started? Contact the cybersecurity experts at Myriad360 to begin!